About Me

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A letter from Roatan

Hello again! I thought I would post an excerpt from a letter I wrote during my time in Roatan.

I had written from the airport on the way to Roatan in September saying I would update everyone when I got home, but I've been so busy that it simply hasn't happened yet. 
The 5 weeks I spent on the Island with Timothy were wonderful! We had a great time together and I was so blessed and encouraged by the time we spent with the little Baptist church there. (It was such a wonderful and welcoming church to share with about my plans to go to Cameroon!)

I hope that this little bit of my letter to my friend Amber-Lynn will give you a picture of what it was like on Roatan...
Leaving for church the first Sunday


    At the moment I am sitting in the dark, tucked under a mosquito net, writing by the soft glow of a small lamp. It is very hot, but I am cozily wrapped in a blanket. Outside my windows I can hear crickets, roosters, and several obnoxious birds that can't really be described in words. The sounds are as close as if they were inside since none of the windows have glass. And the smell, oh it's wonderful! It is the beginning of rainy season here and the air still smells sweetly of the rain we had this afternoon. It is only 9:00pm but since the sun sets here at 5:00pm it feels very late and the darkness is very thick. There is a quiet peacefulness about the evening here. It's the perfect time to read a book. I've been reading one that I got in the mail from World Team before leaving for Roatan: "Filling Up the Afflictions of Christ." It's a really good book; you should borrow it from me sometime.

    Oh hey, guess what I found in my kitchen the other day? A box of matches made in Cameroon! And on the back of the box is a map of Cameroon. I'm going to bring the empty box home to put in my Special Box. Goodness, you wouldn't believe how quickly we go through matches since everything's gas here. The first couple of days I didn't realize that the oven was gas too and was quite excited when I saw it actually worked. However, to light it one has to pull the oven apart, then avoid burning fingers or lighting oven mitts on fire while putting it back together--always a great adventure! I love my little house here and am even enjoying all that's involved in washing and drying clothes in this rain and humidity. The washing alone is a big job, but the really fun part comes in the drying! There is always lots of laundry and once it is all hung out on the deck it looks like a maze out there. Oh, I just love seeing everything rippling and waving in the wind, little glimpses of the green jungle and brightly colored birds peeking through when a big gust of wind comes. The large white sheets with ruffled edges are the most beautiful to behold in the wind--so crisp, and so responsive to every little murmur of the breeze.

After getting all the laundry hung, which takes several hours from start to finish, I like to take my knitting and lie in my hammock on the deck in among the sheets and shirts and towels. This is the perfect vantage point for bird watching, as I am quite safely hidden from their notice. Of course, when it starts to rain everything is all a flurry again as I rush to bring all the (usually still wet) laundry back inside before it is drenched--or worse, carried away by the strong tropical gales. Then I set to folding and draping everything over our thee plastic children's chairs (the only type of chairs they seem to have on Roatan) and hope that the storm ends soon so  everything can finish drying.

    We have had a few large tropical storms hit during our time here already. This involves loss of electricity and usually a police warning for everyone to stay in their homes for 24 hours so the police have time to clean up and make sure things are safe again. (Which is a 'clean' and 'safe' quite different from those same words in Canada, but still seeming perfectly normal to me here.) The chatter in town the day before a storm hits is whether it is going to be a hurricane or tropical storm, and people are quite firm in their opinions, the more cautious ones buying some canned goods to add to their shelves. The day before our second tropical storm hit (actually, probably 3 or 4 hours before) I was at the Coconut Tree buying some bread. The sky was already the telltale grey-blue, the water churning roughly, and the coconut trees turned up like umbrellas that have been turned inside out by a strong gust of wind. There were 5 or 6 of us in the little store (about as many as can fit). Timothy waited outside for me with the empty water bottle we were changing out. The little group of us waiting to pay for our groceries debated the type and intensity of the storm good-naturedly, poking fun at the choice of provisions each had made, no one having the makings of a full meal. Before leaving the Coconut Tree we were all friends and one lady who was buying only a jar of peanut butter and a small ball of cheese (a luxury item) took all of our names. She gave us her "address" (how many paces her house was behind Pur Vida) and suggested that if the storm lasted too long we should all bring what food we had to her house and share a meal. This did not happen of course, as it was only a tropical storm and we were all back out frequenting the road again after a day had passed. But when any of us met each other at the Coconut Tree again we greeted one another by name with smiles and laughter in our eyes (and perhaps a joking question about dry sandwiches or peanut butter on cheese).

    There are no towns here, but simply areas of the Island since it is so small. We are in West End which is one long dirt/sand road (full of huge potholes that fill with water for a few days each time it rains). On one side of the road is the ocean. On the other side of the road are little shops, many open on one side like stalls at a market. Behind these shops are lanes with houses along them. The houses are quite far apart, so a lane with only 3 or 4 houses might take 5 to 10 minutes to walk. Really, 'lane' is often a not-so-suitable name as they are steep, rocky, bumpy paths that look like they've only been formed because people have walked them so frequently. Our house is at the very end of one of these lanes, a rather secluded walk particularly after dark. There are large flowering bushes to one side of the lane the last few minutes before reaching the house, and even more trees and flowers in front of our house for a ways. A flock of chickens greets you as you near the house, and I quite enjoy walking between them to get there. When they are gone, a rare occasion, I miss the color and homey feel they lend. Our house is wooden and the back 3/4 of it rests on very tall 'stilts' as it is perched on a drop-off. Behind and to the left of the house is beautiful jungle. And to the right is our neighbor's house and more jungle.

    Our area of the island is on the 1/2 that has electricity, so most of the time we have lights in the evening. Well, not quite most, but much of the time we do. They go out so frequently that it doesn't really seem strange anymore to sit in the pitch black and eat supper, or to lie in our hammocks in the thick darkness. Actually there is a different type of beauty to this--the beauty of sound. When the darkness is so thick around you that you can't see your hand in front of your face, the sounds of crickets chirping, geckos scampering across the walls,  birds singing, dingos  barking from great distances to one another, and sheets blowing in the wind sound so much louder, more vivid, and closer. And they make such a peaceful symphony to rock quietly along to, adding the rhythmic squeaks of the hammock's metal hooks to the mix. oh, I'm sure you would love it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hello from San Francisco! :)
I am sitting here in the airport, already tired, and anticipating three more flights and 16 hours of travel before Timothy and I reach our final destination--Roatan Island, Honduras.

Six years ago when I graduated from high school I got a letter from some ladies from my church. In the letter they told me that they knew I had a special relationship with my little brother, Timothy, and wanted me to be able to take him on a special holiday before I eventually went out to the mission field. These dear ladies had anonymously put money for this purpose into my bank account. I have never been able to thank them since they did not tell me who they were, and so have only the Lord to thank for this wonderful gift. :) What a beautiful picture of "giving hilariously"  this was to me! I pray that the Lord will bless these ladies in very special ways  for the great encouragement they have been to me.

We will be spending time with the small local church helping out with their children's ministry, and have then been invited to share with them about the work I feel God calling me to in Cameroon. There is also a Christian organization working with orphans there that has asked us to spend some time with them.
We are also looking forward to spending time together reading, playing board games, and taking some scuba diving lessons.

Well, my internet time is almost done so I should sign off for now. I would appreciate your prayers for our time away, that the Lord would keep us safe, give us good connections with them people we meet, and that He would use this time to reveal Himself to Timothy in a very real way.

We will be gone until the 22nd of October. When we get back I will update you on the trip and the events of this past summer.
May the Lord bless and keep you.
...And have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Your sister in Christ,
Angeline Bowman

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Lessons from God: Fasting and Prayer for our Young People

Well, on Thursday I discovered a new book to add to my list of favorites! (A list comprised of only three or four favorites--a couple that have been on that list since I was 12 or 13 years old.)
I read through the first six chapters quite quickly, looking up from the book every so often to say "Wow, this is such a good book!" and read a paragraph aloud for whoever was around and might be listening.

The book is "Straight Talk To Men and Their Wives" by Dr. James Dobson, and I picked it up and started reading it in a waiting room...so glad I did! In it Dr. Dobson's talking about his father, and the influence he had on his children. It's one of those books that's actually really practical. After only one chapter I already felt like I had been encouraged, affirmed, and challenged in how I relate to the young people in my life. And as each chapter passes I am all the more encouraged! (I hope to buy it so I can read it again.)

One of the big focuses so far is prayer, something that God has been bringing up in my life over and over again this past week.

Here's a few excepts from chapter five:

I have since talked to dozens of parents whose children are grown and married. "We thought our kids had accepted our faith and beliefs," they say, "but somehow, we failed to get it across."
. . . Please believe the words of my dad, "The greatest delusion is to suppose that our children will be devout Christians simply because their parents have been, or that any of them will enter into the Christian faith in any other way than through their parents deep travail and faith."
If any of you doubt the validity of this assertion, may I suggest that you read the story of Eli in 1 Samuel 2-4.
. . . He (Eli) was apparently too busy with the "work of the church" to be a leader in his own home.
. . . It concerned me to realize that Eli's service to the Lord was insufficient to compensate for his failures at home. Then I read further in the narrative and received confirmation of the principle. Samuel, the saintly man of God, who stood like a tower of spiritual strength throughout his life, grew up in Eli's home. He watched Eli systematically losing his children, yet Samuel proceeded to fail with his family too! That was a deeply disturbing truth. If God would not honor Samuel's dedication by guaranteeing the salvation of his children, will He do more for me if I'm too busy to do my "homework"!

As I read these words I felt conviction as to the busyness in my life that often gets in the way of me pouring into the lives of the next generation. I know that Dr. Dobson was writing to parents here, but as the people of God we are all called to show His love to the children that He cares for so deeply.
Earlier this week I was sitting, deep in thought, when I suddenly felt overwhelmed with a burden for all the hurting people I pass in our little town every day. How many people who are crying out for someone to show them God's love do I walk past each day--without even giving them a second glance? I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I prayed to the Lord that He would open my eyes to see the hearts of those around me...and that I would know how to show them His love. There are so many people in our world who have never experienced true love--God's love--and I have it within me to share!
I can't even imagine living without being filled with the love of God, covered by the grace of God, and surrounded by the peace of God. And yet in the busyness of life I am often more concerned with getting to my next commitment than with stopping to share what God has freely and abundantly given me.
The desire of my heart is to be a person who truly treats their time as what it is--the Lord's. I want to be available to God. I want to live in such a way that His love would overflow from within me to all those He brings me in contact with. And I want to take the time to love the young people that God brings into my life, to show them how very much God cares for them.

We are in the midst of a spiritual battle, and the war is being waged right here in our own towns and communities. And caught in the crossfire are our children and youth, many of whom do not yet have the armor of God! ...But we do. And we need to step up, stand in the gap between them and Satan, and hold up our shields of faith to protect them.
But we can't do that if, firstly, we don't consciously clothe ourselves in the armor of God, secondly, we don't become aware of the battle waging around us, and thirdly, we don't play an active role in the lives of our young people.

Later on in the chapter I quoted from earlier, Dr. Dobson compared the passing of the gospel from one generation to the next to a relay race, likening the gospel to the baton. Dr. Dobson pointed out that it is in the passing of the baton that a race is won or lost, saying
"There is a critical moment when all can be lost by a fumble or miscalculation. The baton is rarely dropped on the back side of the track when the runner has it firmly in his grasp. If failure is to occur, it will likely happen in the exchange between generations!"
Later on Dobson said:
"Unless my son and daughter grasp the faith and take it with them around the track, it matters little how fast they run. Being first across the finish line is meaningless unless they carry the baton with them."

These last two sentences really struck me and made me pause in my reading to think. In our fast-paced culture I think it's easy to get caught up in how fast we are running in the race of life, to measure our success by how many things we have accomplished--and perhaps even by how many church programs we are involved in. But that isn't true "success" if in the process we have failed to pass on the baton.

At the end of the chapter Dr. Dobson wrote:

The urgency of this mission has taken Shirley and me to our knees.
...Furthermore, since 1971, I have designated one day a week for fasting and prayer specifically devoted to the spiritual welfare of our children.
...There are too many factors beyond our control--too many evil influences--that mitigate against the Christian message. That is why we find ourselves in prayer, week after week.
...this act of fasting each week serves to remind us continually of our system of priorities. It is very difficult to forget your highest values when one day out of seven is spent concentrating on them.

Dr. Dobson went on to talk about how his great-grandfather had prayed for an hour each morning for his children. And not only for his children, but the next four generations of his family. Dobson said that even though his great-grandfather had died before Dobson was born, this man was the greatest inspiration for him. He said: "It staggers my mind to realize that the prayers of this one man, spoken more than fifty years ago, reach across four generations of time and influence developments in my life today. This is the power of prayer and the source of my hope and optimism."

Wow. Does that not excite your heart and inspire you to be a person of prayer?! What a challenge this was to me.

The last two years, the lesson that God was teaching me was to "lay down my rights and embrace humility." I was not sure when God would be done with that last lesson and show me the next one He had for me, and I had almost begun to get "comfortable" in that. But it appears that now is the time He has chosen to nudge me forward onto the next bend on the road. I am so excited! Every time God brings up another thing He wants to teach me about and stretch me in, I am filled with an all-consuming fire and that "first love" of my Saviour all over again.

When God begins to teach me something new there is always some pain or difficulty involved in peeling back another layer of myself and being confronted with who I am, but as I do, I know that, in turn, He will be able to show me yet another layer of who He is...and who He wants me to be in Him. And that is truly the greatest joy in life. Oh to know the Lord and His heart, this is my heart's cry!

I have been blessed to be surrounded by people of prayer! From the time I was very young I noticed what a huge emphasis my mom and grandma placed on prayer. Then when we moved to Three Hills and started attending the Tab I saw the dedication to prayer of so many of the seniors in the congregation. As I got older I saw the importance of all that prayer in my life. And when I was eleven years old I decided to dedicate an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening to intercessory prayer. I quickly came to treasure that time with the Lord. And it was amazing to see how God worked in the lives of many of the people I prayed for. (For a while I even kept a prayer journal because I was just so amazed at the way God listened to and answered the prayers of "just a kid.")
Since prayer is already something I feel passionately about, I am so very excited to see what God has to teach me about and through it! As God has brought up the importance of prayer over and over again the last two weeks, that excitement has been welling up in me, and I look forward to taking this journey with Christ.

As part of this journey, I feel a burden to dedicate one day a week to fasting and prayer for the young people God has brought across my path. I would appreciate your prayers that I would be faithful to the Lord in this, that He would break my heart for the young people around me who are hurting, and that I would know how to show God's love to them.
(If you feel God laying this on your heart as well and would like to encourage and keep one another accountable, please let me know.)

Well these are just some snippets of what God has been teaching me recently. I hope that they have been an encouragement to you.

Thank you again for your prayers for me! I cannot express how much I appreciate every one of them. I am looking forward to getting back to Cameroon...and to seeing what all God has to teach me as I prepare for that. Journeying with Christ is truly an amazing thing!

Your friend and sister in Christ,