Wow, it's hard to believe that a full year has gone by since I've written on my blog! So much has happened...but right now I just want to quickly share with you some good news that can't wait for a full update.
The picture above is of the baptism that took place in Bakaland today--New Year's Eve. 21 Baka and Brendan Abbott (the 6 year old son of my teammates in Cameroon) decided to make this public profession of their faith. Oh what a wonderful way to end off the year!
Gathered by the river for the baptism...
Here Nathan Conrod is baptizing Samedi, a young Baka guy that Timothy and I got to know when we were in Cameroon in 2009. I will share more later about the excitement for the Gospel that Christ has put in Samedi's heart...
After the baptism everyone shared a small meal of rice and juice.
My heart is so full of joy at this news that I couldn't wait to share it with you! Thank you so much for your prayers for me as I prepare to join my teammates in Cameroon...and for your prayers for my teammates and the Baka people. God is using your prayers in powerful ways!